
    Ucg expressions can reference a bound name, do math, concatenate lists or strings, copy and modify a struct, or format a string.


    Many UCG expressions or statements use a symbol. A symbol might be used as either a name for a binding or a name for a field. Symbols must start with an ascii letter and can contain any ascii letter, number, _, or - characters.

    The environment symbol

    There is a special symbol in UCG for obtaining a value from the environment. The env symbol references the environment variables in environment at the time of the build. You reference an environment variable just like it was in a tuple. By default, attempting to reference a variable that doesn't exist will be a compile error. You can turn this behavior off with the --nostrict argument to the compiler. When in nostrict mode nonexistent variables will result in a warning and be set to the NULL empty value.

    let env_name = env.DEPLOY_ENV;

    Binary Operators

    UCG has a number of binary infix operators. Some work only on numeric values and others work on more than one type.

    Selector operators

    The UCG selector operator . selects a field or index from tuples or lists. They can descend arbitrarily deep into data structures.

    You can reference a field in a tuple by putting the field name after a dot. You can index into a list by referencing the index after the .. Lists are always 0 indexed.

    let tuple = {
        inner = {
            field = "value",
        list = [1, 2, 3],
        "quoted field" = "quoted value",
    // reference the field in the inner tuple in our tuple defined above.
    // reference the field in the list contained in our tuple defined above.

    Selectors can quote fields if there are quoted fields with spaces in the tuple.

    tuple."quoted field";

    Numeric Operators

    UCG supports the following numeric operators, +, -, *, / Each one is type safe and infers the types from the values they operate on. The operators expect both the left and right operands to be of the same type.

    1 + 1;
    1.0 - 1.0;


    The + operator can also do concatenation on strings and lists. As with the numeric version both sides must be the same type, either string or list.

    "Hello " + "World"; // "Hello World"
    [1, 2] + [3]; // [1, 2, 3]

    Comparison Operators

    UCG supports the comparison operators ==, !=, >=, <=, <, >, and in. They all expect both sides to be of the same type.

    The >, <, >=, and >= operators are only supported on numeric types (i.e. int, and float).

    1 > 2; // result is false
    2 < 3; // result is true
    10 > "9"; // This is a compile error.
    (1+2) == 3;

    The equality operators == and != are supported for all types and will perform deep equal comparisons on complex types.

    let tpl1 = {
      foo = "bar",
      one = 1
    let tpl2 = {
      foo = "bar",
      one = 1
    tpl1 == tpl2; // returns true
    let tpl2 = {
      foo = "bar",
      one = 1
      duck = "quack",
    tpl1 == tpl3; // returns false

    Because tuples are an ordered set both tuples in a comparison must have their fields in the same order to compare as equal.

    The in operator tests for the existence of a field in a tuple or an element in a list.

    let tpl = { foo = "bar" };
    foo in tpl; // evaluates to true
    "foo" in tpl; // also evaluates to true.

    Lists do a deep equal comparison when testing for the existence of an element.

    let lst = [1, "two", {three = 3}];
    1 in lst; // evaluates to true;
    {three = 3} in lst; // evaluates to true
    {three = "3"} in lst; // evaluates to false
    {three = 3, two = 2} in lst // evaluates to false

    Boolean Operators

    UCG has the standard boolean operators: && and ||. Both of them short circuit and they require the expressions on each side to be boolean.

    true && false == false;
    false || true == true;

    In addition to the binary operators && and || UCG also has the unary operator not which reverses a boolean value.

    not true == false;
    not false == true;

    Operator Precedence

    UCG binary operators follow the typical operator precedence for math. * and / are higher precendence than + and - which are higher precedence than any of the comparison operators.

    Precedence table

    Higher values bind tighter than lower values.

    ==1Equality Comparison
    !=1Inequality Comparison
    >=1Greater Than or Equal
    <=1Less Than or Equal
    <1Greater Than
    >1Less Than
    =~1Regex Match
    !~1Negated Regex Match
    in2Contains field or item
    is2Type check
    +3Sum or concatenation
    .6Dot Selector

    Type test expressions

    ucg has the is operator for testing that something is of a given base type. The type must be a string literal matching one of:

    • "null"
    • "str"
    • "int"
    • "float"
    • "tuple"
    • "list"
    • "func"
    • "module"
    ("foo" is "str") == true;


    UCG can cast primitive types to other primitive types. UCG is very conservative in the casts it allows however and a failed cast is a compile error. The allowed casts are int(expr), float(expr), str(expr), and bool(expr). Casts are not function calls even though they look like them and as a result you can not define your own functions with the same name as a cast. If the expressions do not resolve to a primitive type that is castable to the desired type then a compile error will occur.

    Copy Expressions

    UCG expressions have a special copy expression for tuples. These faciliate a form of data reuse as well as a way to get a modified version of a tuple. Copy expressions start with a selector referencing a tuple followed by braces {} with name = value pairs separated by commas. Trailing commas are allowed.

    Copied expressions can change base fields in the copied tuple or add new fields. If you are changing the value of a base field in the copy then the new value must be of the same type as the base field's value. This allows you to define a base "type" of sorts and ensure that any modified fields stay the same.

    let base = {
        field1 = "value1",
        field2 = 100,
        field3 = 5.6,
    let overridden = base{
        field1 = "new value"
    let expanded = base{
        field2 = 200,
        field3 = "look ma a new field",
    let bad = base{
        field1 = 300, // Error!!! must be a string.

    There is a special selector that can be used in a copy expression to refer to the base tuple in a copy called self. self can only be used in the body of the copy.

    let nestedtpl = {
        field1 = "value1",
        inner = {
            field2 = 2
            inner = {
                field3 = "three",
    let copiedtpl = nestedtpl{
        inner = self.inner{
            inner = self.inner{
                field4 = 4,

    Import Expressions

    Import expressions bring in a ucg file and expose their bound values as a tuple in the current file. Import expressions are idempotent and cached so you can use them more than once in a file safely. Import expressions start with the import keyword and are followed by a string containing the path of the file to import.

    // You can import an entire file into the namespace.
    let imported = import "some_file.ucg";
    // Or you can just import a single value from that file.
    let imported_val = (import "some_file.ucg").val;

    Format Expressions

    UCG has a format expression that has a limited form of string templating. Format expressions come in two forms.

    The simplest form starts with a string followed by the % operator and a list of arguments in parentheses separated by commas. Trailing commas are allowed. The format string should have @ characters in each location where a value should be placed. Any primitive value can be used as an argument.

    "https://@:@/" % (host, port)

    A slightly more complex form starts with a string followed by the % operator and an unparenthesized expression. the template string can then reference the result of the expression in expressions embedded within the format string. The expressions result can be referenced using the special name item in the embedded expression. The result of the expression will be rendered as the default string representation in the resulting string.

    let tpl = {
        foo = {
            bar = [0, 1, 2],
    " == @{}" % tpl;

    The @ symbol can be escaped with a double slash.

    "https://username:password\\@@:@/" % (host, port)

    If the % operator is followed by a parenthesized expression it will be treated as the first form with one item.

    Range Expression

    UCG can generate lists from a range with an optional step.

    1:10 == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
    0:2:10 == [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10];


    Functions close over the environment up to the point where they are declared in the file. One consequence of this is that they can not call themselves so recursive functions are not possible. This is probably a feature. They are useful for constructing tuples of a certain shape or otherwise promoting data reuse. You define a function with the function keyword followed by the arguments in parentheses, a =>, and then a valid expression.

    let myfunc = func (arg1, arg2) => {
        host = arg1,
        port = arg2,
        connstr = "couchdb://@:@" % (arg1, arg2),
    let my_dbconf = myfunc("", "9090");
    let my_dbhost =;
    let add = func (arg1, arg2) => arg1 + arg2;
    add(1, 1) == 2;

    Functional processing expressions

    UCG has a few functional processing expressions called map, filter, and reduce. All of them can process a string, list, or tuple.

    Their syntax starts with either map filter, or reduce followed by a symbol that references a valid func and finally an expression that resolves to either a list or a tuple.

    Map expressions

    Map functions should produce either a valid value or a list of [field, value] that will replace the element or field it is curently processing.


    When mapping a function across a list the result field can be any valid value. The function is expected to take a single argument.

    let list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
    let mapper = func (item) =>  item + 1;
    map(mapper, list1) == [2, 3, 4, 5];


    Functions for mapping across a tuple are expected to take two arguments. The first argument is the name of the field. The second argument is the value in that field. The result should be a two item list with the first item being the new field name and the second item being the new value.

    let test_tpl = {
        foo = "bar",
        quux = "baz",
    let tpl_mapper = func (name, val) =>  select (name, [name, val]) => {
        "foo" = ["foo", "barbar"],
        quux = ["cute", "pygmy"],
    map(tpl_mapper, test_tpl) == {foo = "barbar", cute = "pygmy"};


    let string = "foo";
    let string_mapper = func (item) =>  item + item;
    map(string_reducer, 0, string) == "ffoooo";

    Filter expressions

    Filter expressions should return a field with false or NULL for items to filter out of the list or tuple. Any other value in the return field results in the item or field staying in the resulting list or tuple.


    let list2 = ["foo", "bar", "foo", "bar"];
    let filtrator = func (item) => select (item, NULL) {
        foo = item,
    filter(filtrator, list2) == ["foo", "foo"];


    let test_tpl = {
        foo = "bar",
        quux = "baz",
    let tpl_filter = func (name, val) =>  name != "foo";
    filter(tpl_filter, test_tpl) == { quux = "baz" };


    let string = "foo";
    let string_filter = func (item) =>  item != "f";
    filter(string_reducer, 0, string) == "oo";

    Reduce expressions

    Reduce expressions start with the reduce keyword followed by a symbol referencing a func, an expression for the accumulator, and finally the tuple, list, or string to process.


    let test_tpl = {
        foo = "bar",
        quux = "baz",
    let tpl_reducer = func (acc, name, val) =>  acc{
        keys = self.keys + [name],
        vals = self.vals + [val],
    reduce(tpl_reducer, {keys = [], vals = []}, test_tpl) == {keys = ["foo", "quux"], vals = ["bar", "baz"]};


    let list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
    let list_reducer = func (acc, item) =>  acc + item;
    reduce(list_reducer, 0, list1) == 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4;


    let string = "foo";
    let string_reducer = func (acc, item) =>  acc + [item];
    reduce(string_reducer, 0, string) == ["f", "o", "o"];

    Include expressions

    UCG can include the contents of other files as an expression. Currently we only support strings and base64 encoding but we plan to support yaml, and json in the future. include expressions start with the include keyword a type (currently only str), and a path. Relative paths are calculated relative to the including file.

    let script = include str "./";


    UCG supports a limited conditional expression called a select. A select expression starts with the select keyword and is followed by a an expression resolving to a string or boolean naming the field to select, an optional expression resolving to the default value in parenthesis a => and finally a tuple literal to select the field from. If the field selected is not in the tuple then the default value will be used. If no default is specified then select will throw a compile failure for the unhandled case.

    let want = "baz";
    //     field  default
    select (want, "quux") => {
        baz = "foo",
        fuzz = "bang",
    }; // result will be "foo"
    //     field    default
    select ("quack", "quux") => {
        baz = "foo",
        fuzz = "bang",
    }; // result will be "quux"
    let ifresult = select (true) => {
        true = "true result",
        false = "false result",
    }; // result will be "true result"


    UCG has another form of reusable execution that is a little more robust than functions are. Modules allow you to parameterize a set of statements and build the statements later. Modules are an expression. They can be bound to a value and then reused later. Modules do not close over their environment but they can import other UCG files into the module using import statements including the file they are located themselves. This works since the statements in a module are not evaluated until you attempt to call the module with a copy expression.

    Module expressions start with the module keyword followed by a tuple representing their parameters with any associated default values. The body of the module is separated from the parameter tuple by the => symbol an optional (expr) defining the out expression, and a series of statements delimited by { and } respectively. The body of the module can contain any valid UCG statement. You instantiate a module via the copy expression. By default if there is no out expression then the module will export all of the named bindings in the statements.

    let top_mod = module {
        deep_value = "None",
    } => {
        let shared_funcs = import "shared.UCG";
        let embedded_def = module {
            deep_value = "None",
        } => {
            let value = mod.deep_value;
        let embedded = embedded_def{deep_value = mod.deep_value};
    let embedded_with_params = top_mod{deep_value = "Some"};
    // By default all of the named bindings in a module are exported so we can
    // get the embedded tuple out via a selector.
    embedded_with_params.embedded.value == "Some";

    Return Expressions

    If there is a return expression then the module will only export the result of that expression. The out expression is computed after the last statement in the module has been evaluated.

    let top_mod_out_expr = module {
        deep_value = "None",
    } => (embedded) { // we will only expose the embedded binding in our module
        let shared_funcs = import "shared.UCG";
        let embedded_def = module {
            deep_value = "None",
        } => {
            let value = mod.deep_value;
        let embedded = embedded_def{deep_value = mod.deep_value};
    let embedded_default_params = top_mod_out_expr{};
    // We don't have to dereference the embedded binding since the out expression
    // exported it for us.
    embedded_default_params.value == "None";

    Module builtin bindings

    One consequence of a module being able to import the same file they are located in is that modules can be called recursively. They are the only expression that is capable of recursion in UCG. Recursion can be done by importing the module's file inside the module's definition and using it as normal.

    Modules have ia recursive reference to the current module mod.this that can be used for recursive modules.

    let recursive = module {
    } => (result) {
        let result = select mod.counter != mod.stop, {
            true = [mod.start] + mod.this{counter=mod.counter+1},
            false = [mod.start],
    recursive{} == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

    There is also a convenience function mod.pkg in the mod binding for a module. That imports the package/file the module was declared in. This binding is only present if the module was declared in a file. Modules created as part of an eval will not have it.

    let self_importer = module {
    } => () {
        let pkg = mod.pkg();
        let result = pkg.recursive{};
    self_importer{} == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

    Fail Expression

    UCG has a way to declaratively trigger a build failure using the fail expression.

    Fail expressions start with the fail keyword and are followed an expression that must resolve to a string with the build failure message.

    fail "Oh No This was not what we wanted!";
    fail "Expected foo but got @" % ("bar");

    Trace Expression

    UCG has a debugging expression that can be helpful to trace values while developing called the trace expression.

    Trace expression are any valid expression preceded by the TRACE keyword. Trace expression return the result of the expression unchanged but they also output a trace statement to stderr printing the result of the expression as well as the file, line and column where the expression was.

    let mk_list = func(a, b) => TRACE [a, b];
    mk_list(1, 2);

    This will output a line to stderr something like the below:

    TRACE: [1, 2] at file: <file name> line: 1 column: 29

    This is helpful when developing shared modules or ucg libraries.

    Convert Expressions

    UCG has convert expressions which will turn any UCG value into a string using the specified conversion format. This expression is similar to the out expression except instead of writing to a file it writes to a string.

    It's useful for previewing the result of converting a ucg value in the repl or for composing multiple conversion formats together into a single composite ucg value.

    You can experiment with conversion in the repl:

    > convert json {foo="bar"};
      \"foo\": \"bar\"

    Or store a converted value into a UCG string:

    let converted = convert json {foo="bar"};

    Next: Statements