
    Expression Statements

    The simplest and least useful is the expression statement. It is any valid expression followed by a semicolon.

    4 / 2;
    "foo" + "bar";

    Despite the fact that these are valid the results are thrown away and can essentially be considered a noop.

    Named Value Statements

    Let statements

    There is one statement that can introduce a named value for a given UCG file, the let statement. Any collisions in binding names inside a file are treated as compile errors. Bindings are immutable and once bound they can't be modified.

    let name = "foo";

    Output Statements

    Some statements in UCG exist to generate an output. Either a compiled configuration or the results of test assertions.

    Assert Statements

    The assert statement defines an expression that must evaluate to tuple with an ok field that is either true or false and a desc field that is a string. Assert statements are noops except when executing ucg test. They give you a way to assert certains properties about your data and can be used as a form of unit testing for your configurations. It starts with the assert keyword followed by a valid ucg expression that resolves to a tuple with an ok field and a desc field. The ok field must contain a boolean value. The desc field must contain a description for this assertion. The ok field is true the assert test succeeds. When it is false the assert test fails.

    assert {
        ok = host == "",
        desc = "Host is",
    assert {
        ok = select qa, 443, {
          qa = 80,
          prod = 443,
        } == 443,
        desc = "select default was 443",

    Assert statements are only evaluated when running the ucg test command. That command evaluates all of the *_test.ucg files. When *_test.ucg files are run in a test run then ucg will output a log of all the assertions to stdout as well as a PASS or FAIL for each file. This gives you a simple test harness for your ucg configs.

    Out Statements

    The Out statement defines the output for a UCG file. It identifies the output converter type and an expression that will be output. The output converter type is expected to be one of the registered converters unquoted (e.g. json, exec) and the value to convert. The generated artifact will take the same name as the UCG file with the extension replaced by the defined extension for that converter.

    For a file named api_config.ucg with the following contents:

    let myconf = {
        api_url = "",
        api_token = env.API_TOKEN,
    out json myconf;

    UCG will output the myconf tuple as json to a file called api_config.json

    You can get a list of the available converters as well as the extensions defined for each one by running the ucg converters command.

    Next: Converters