List Operations

    The UCG list modules can be imported like so let l = import "std/lists.ucg"; It has a number of useful operations.


    The reverse module reverses a list. It has a single required parameter:

    • list the list to reverse.
    let l = import "std/lists.ucg";
    l.reverse{list=[1, 2, 3]} == [3, 2, 1];


    The str_join module joins a list with the string representation of each element. It has two parameters:

    • list which is required. The list to reverse.
    • sep which is optional and defines the separater to use when joining the elements. Defaults to a single space
    let l = import "std/lists.ucg";
        sep=" ",
        list=[1, 2, 3]
    } == "1,2,3";


    The len function returns the length of a list. It has a single required parameter.

    • list The list to reverse.
    let l = import "std/lists.ucg";
    l.len{list=[0, 1, 2, 3]} == 4;

    head and tail

    The tail function returns the tail of a list minus it's head.

    let l = import "std/lists.ucg";
    let tail = l.tail([0,1,2,3]);
    tail == [1,2,3];

    The head function returns the head of the list as a list of one item.

    let l = import "std/lists.ucg";
    let hd = l.head([0,1,2,3]);
    tail == [0];


    The slice module returns a slice of the input list. The slice module takes three parameters.

    • start which is optional and defaults to 0
    • end which is optional and defaults the length of the list
    • list which is required and must be a list.
    list.slice{start=0, end=2, list=[0,1,2,3]} == [0,1,2];


    The enumerate module enumerates the elements of a list. It has three parameters.

    • list which is required and is the list to enumerate.
    • start which is optional and defines the start number of the enumeration. (defaults to 0)
    • step which is optional and defines the step amount for the enumeration. (defaults to 1)
    let l = import "std/lists.ucg";
    // with defaults
    l.enumerate{list=[1, 2, 3]} == [[0, 1], [1, 2], [3, 4]];
    // With all parameters
        list=["foo", "bar", "foobar"],
    } == [[1, "foo"], [3, "bar"], [5, "foobar"]];