Functional operations

    UCG comes with some builtin functional operations.

    Useful functions

    • identity - the Identity function. Returns it's argument unchanged.

    Maybe module

    Maybe is a monadic style wrapper for values that might be NULL. It provides a several operations for the wrapped value.

    • do(op) - runs op which is a function of one argument against the wrapped value if it is not null. Returns the result or NULL wrapped in another maybe.
    • or(op) - runs op which is a function of no arguments if the wrapped value is null. Returns the result wrapped in another maybe.
    • is_null() - returns true if the wrapped value is null, false otherwise.
    • unwrap() - returns the wrapped value
    • expect(msg) - returns the wrapped value if it is not null. Throws a compile error with the user provided message otherwise.
    let maybe = import "std/functional.ucg".maybe;
    let result = maybe{val=NULL}.or(func () => "foo").do(func(v) => v + "bar");
    result == "foobar";