Formal Grammar

    UCG Formal Grammar


    • WS is any non-visible utf-8 whitespace.
    • DIGIT is any ascii number character.
    • VISIBLE_CHAR is any visible utf-8 character.
    • ASCII_CHAR is any visible ascii letter character.
    • UTF8_CHAR is any utf8 character including ws.


    ws: WS ;
    dot: ".";
    quot: '"' ;
    pipe: '|' ;
    percent: "%" ;
    star: "*" ;
    plus: "+" ;
    minus: "-" ;
    slash: "/" ;
    equal: "=" ;
    gtequal: ">=" ;
    ltequal: "<=" ;
    equalequal: "<=" ;
    gt: ">" ;
    lt: "<" ;
    fatcomma: "=>" ;
    comma: "," ;
    integer: DIGIT+ ;
    lbrace: "{" ;
    rbrace: "}" ;
    lbracket: "[" ;
    rbracket: "]" ;
    lparen: "(" ;
    rparen: ")" ;
    bareword: ASCII_CHAR, { DIGIT | VISIBLE_CHAR | "_" }  ;
    let_keyword: "let" ;
    import_keyword: "import" ;
    include_keyword: "include" ; 
    as_keyword: "as" ;
    func_keyword: "func" ;
    select_keyword: "select" ;
    map_keyword: "map" ;
    reduce_keyword: "map" ;
    filter_keyword: "filter" ;
    module_keyword: "module" ;
    mod_keyword: "mod" ;
    out_keyword: "out" ;
    convert_keyword: "convert" ;
    assert_keyword: "assert" ;
    fail_keyword: "fail" ;
    trace_keyword: "TRACE" ;
    null_keyword: "NULL" ;
    in_keyword: "in" ;
    is_keyword: "in" ;
    not_keyword: "module" ;
    escaped: "\", VISIBLE_CHAR ;
    str: quot, { escaped | UTF8_CHAR }, quot ;
    float: (DIGIT+, dot, { DIGIT }) | (dot, DIGIT+) ;
    number: ["-" | "+"](float | integer) ;

    Whitespace is discarded before parsing the rest of the AST.

    Complex Values


    field: bareword | str ;
    list_elements: expr, (comma, expr)*, [comma] ;
    list: lbracket, [ list_elements ], rbracket ;


    field_pair: field, equal, expr ;
    field_list: field_pair, { comma, field_pair }, [comma]
    tuple: lbrace, [ field_list ], rbrace;


    Simple Expressions

    simple_expr: literal | bareword ;


    literal: str | integer | float | list | tuple | null_keyword;

    Complex Expressions

    Grouped Expression

    grouped: lparen, expr, rparen ;

    Select expressions

    select_expr: select_keyword, lparen, expr, [comma, expr], fatcomma, tuple ;

    Function Definition

    arglist: expr, { comma, expr }, [comma] ;
    func_def: func_keyword, lparen, [ arglist ], rparen, fatcomma, tuple ;

    Module Definition

    module_def: module_keyword, tuple, fatcomma, [lparen, expr, rparen], lbrace, [ { statement } ], rbrace ;

    Copy and Call Expression

    copy_expr: bareword, tuple ;
    call_expr: bareword, lparen, [arglist], rparen ;

    Format Expression

    format_arg_list: lparen, [arglist], rparen ;
    foramt_expr_arg: expression ;
    format_expr: str, percent, (format_arg_list | format_expr_arg) ;

    Functional processing expressions

    func_op_kind: map_keyword | filter_keyword ;
    map_or_filter_expr: func_op_kind, lparen, expr, expr, rparen ;
    reduce_expr: reduce_keyword, lparen, expr, expr, expr, rparen ;
    processing_expr: map_or_filter_expr | reduce_expr

    Range Expression

    range_expr: expr, ':', [int, ':'], expr ;

    Include Expression

    include_expr: include_keyword, bareword, str ; 

    Import expression

    import_expr: import_keyword, str ;

    Fail expressions

    fail_expr: fail_keyword, (str | format_expr) ;

    Not Expression

    not_expr: not_keyword, expr ;

    Not Expression

    trace_expr: trace_keyword, expr ;

    Non Operator Expression

    non_operator_expr: literal
                       | grouped
                       | select_def
                       | import_expr
                       | funcdef
                       | module_def
                       | fail_expr
                       | not_expr
                       | trace_expr
                       | format_expr
                       | range_expr
                       | include_expr
                       | copy_expr
                       | processing_expr
                       | call_expr ;

    Operator Expressions

    sum_op: plus | minus ;
    product_op: start | slash ;
    compare_op: equalequal | gtequal | ltequal | gt | lt | in_keyword | is_keyword ;
    binary_op: sum_op | product_op | dot | compare_op ;
    binary_expr: non_operator_expr, binary_op, expr ;

    Operator expressions have a defined precedence order for evaluation:

    • First the dot operator binds the tightest of all the operators.
    • Next the product_op is the next tightest binding of the operators.
    • Next the sum_op is the next tightest binding of the operators.
    • And lastly the compare_op is the least tightest binding of the operators.

    Any Expression

    expr: binary_expr | non_operator_expr ;


    let_statement: let_keyword, bareword, equal, expr ;
    out_statement: out_keyword, bareword, str ;
    convert_statement: convert_keyword, bareword, str ;
    assert_statement: assert_keyword, pipe, { statement }, pipe ;
    simple_statement: expr ;
    statement: ( let_statement
                 | out_statement
                 | convert_statement
                 | assert_statement
                 | simple_statement ), semicolon ;

    UCG File

    grammar: { statement } ;